January/February Check-In
February 21st, 2021 at 07:01 pmWow, we're getting towards the end of February already. Tempus fugit!
The year to date has been busy, as the first and fourth quarters typically are at my firm. I've basically been working at home again since Thanksgiving (I was at home mid-March to mid-June 2020, then back in the office from mid-June until Thanksgiving). The COVID rates in my area are finally getting back to what they were back in October, so I am gradually beginning to go back into the office again, depending on who else is there. While I'm technically eligible for a vaccine now because of a health condition, I haven't yet found an available appointment slot. One of our clients pressed redial 137 consecutive times in order to get an appointment! Not being retired, I don't have that kind of time or patience, so I'm hoping availability opens up more by the end of March.
Other than work, I've been working on my CFP review--a self-study review that I am trying to finish in the next two weeks, having started it back in October (and I am pretty much on target for being able to do that), then signing up for the exam itself and a second review program that my firm will pay for (I paid for the first). The exam will be in July and I am targeting July 6th or 7th for taking the exam. I have also found a group of accountability partners off a CFP Board candidates board and we are meeting every Saturday morning to check in with each other, set goals for the coming week and report progress on the past week, and, eventually, go over tough review questions together. So far there are five of us in the group and we are all planning to use the same review provider, which means we will have the same study materials.
Other than that, I've spent a lot of time digging out from snowstorms the past month and I haven't spent very much time outdoors. I've had a couple of emergency expenses--my water heater went in January, and my car battery died Friday night when I stopped at a restaurant to pick up some take-out. Fortunately the restaurant was only 8 blocks from home, so I left my car and walked. Then yesterday, it took a good chunk out of my day to walk back to the restaurant, call road service and wait for them to respond, then drive my car around to let the alternator continue to charge the battery, then take the car for a battery test and replacement. But, the restaurant owner saw me pop the hood on my car and let me wait inside where it was warm, so it was really just a minor hassle on a Saturday when I have the time.
And thank goodness and knock on wood that so far there haven't been any veterinary emergencies yet this year. Both kitties are still holding stable, thank goodness. Buffy turns 16 on March 30th and Bridget will be 16.5 on March 26th, so they are getting up there. I pray I can keep them going for some time longer, since they certainly keep ME going.