Labor Day weekend
September 4th, 2023 at 10:41 pmIt's been a quiet Labor Day weekend, the centerpiece of which was taking a ride (my fourth of the season, actually) on a mule-pulled canal boat at the National Canal Museum. I *was* thinking of going kayaking but the hot forecast deterred me. I might try to do that kayak trip (through LL Bean) later this month.
I also started Phase 2 of my decluttering project. Phase 1 occurred during July, when I cleared the surfaces in the living areas in my house. So far (knock on wood!) I have maintained the clear surfaces.
However, during Phase 1, I moved even more STUFF into the "storage room," a/k/a guest bedroom/study/exercise room, and there is now just barely a path through the room.
So Phase 2 is actually beginning to get STUFF *out* of the house. So far, about 10 bags of clothing and shoes are gone. I'm going to see how much else I can get rid of during the next month and may end by hiring one of those "1-800-Got-Junk" services to haul some stuff away. My goal for the moment is to get that room "cat-safe" (get rid of the too many piles and hiding places) so that I can adopt another pair of kitties sometime this fall.
My work schedule has been crazy-busy in August and is again in September. November and December and January promise the same, or worse. So either I adopt kitties in October or I wait until the spring, since I do want to be able to spend more time at home with them early on.
I usually do have the option of working from home but it's harder when my schedule is busier.
I also need to get my health program back in gear; it took a stumble in July and August. I just need to get back to it. With the start of the school year and the Jewish New Year almost upon us, I need to take advantage of "Fresh Start Effect" motivation.