September 24th, 2021 at 02:57 am
Well, Tracfone has proven to be a miserable experience with getting the new smartphone set up. They sent a phone without a SIM card installed and I could not understand the instructions for inserting it....they had a web page with pictures but my brain does not process that kind of information well and there was no way to actually speak to a person to ask a couple of I gave up and called Consumer Cellular and ordered an iPhone from them instead. They will ship it with the SIM card installed and best of all, you can TALK to a real person (based in the US) when you have a question. I am having to spend a lot of time online with Tracfone anyways to transfer the service over, but I will be glad to be done with them. A decade ago when I started with them, you talked to a person when you had questions, but no longer. The only way to actually talk to a human being is to book a service call. I do have one of those set up for 11:30 am tomorrow.
The Consumer Cellular phone should arrive by Monday at the latest and then it will take a couple of days to ensure that my phone number is ported over and then I will be able to cancel with Tracfone for good. I'll lose at least a hundred dollars all told in pre-paid service that I won't be using plus the same phone purchased from Consumer Cellular costs $50 more, but it's worth it to me to call up and speak to a human being.
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September 4th, 2021 at 03:33 pm
I purchased an iPhone SE, 64 GB. I paid $4.95 for shipping (rather than the free 2-day option) so hopefully it arrives tomorrow and I can get it activated and play around with it over the long weekend. I decided to stay with Tracfone for now with the prepaid plan since that gives me flexibility. I started off with a $25 for 30 day plan, which includes 2GB of data, but I can move to a $15/month ($14.25 with autorefill) plan if i am not using much data.
I also realized that having the smartphone will allow me to use my fitness app, OpenFit, for outdoor walks as well. I've been using OpenFit since mid-July and their interactive "Easy Step" walking program has been a real motivator, keeping me much more consistent with my daily step count (except when work gets overly busy, as it did last week). I've been walking indoors in the A/C so far, but now that the weather is beginning to cool, I look forward to resuming outdoor walks along with their program. So there's another benefit besides GPS that I will get from having cell phone service rather than sticking only to WiFi access.
I also stayed with Tracfone because they will give me credit for my existing service, which is good until February of 2023, and the unused data can roll over month to month. That savings alone would save me compared to the 5% AARP discount I would get if I switched to Consumer Cellular. Also my primary network will be Verizon, so that's good. They also have contracts with ATT & T-Mobile so I should be covered whereever.
Coming into the 21st century at long last!
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September 3rd, 2021 at 03:08 am
I've been using a basically "dumb" cell phone on a prepaid plan with Tracfone for over a decade. In the past few years, I've coupled the dumb-phone with an iPod Touch, which has allowed me to access various apps as long as I am connected to WiFi.
I have been thinking of a while now of upgrading to a "real" cell phone and a monthly service plan, rather than the prepaid phone that I have now. I got a kick in the pants about doing this today when Tracfone messaged me that my phone is no longer supported on their networks and that I can expect to start seeing my calls dropped or unable to go through progressively more often.
I need the phone for my job (especially once we are out and about more; we still have 2/3s of our client meetings over Zoom), but I've never researched cell phone plans. Since I'm used to the iPod Touch, I'm planning to go with an iPhone, but I'd be curious to hear about what cell service plans people have and like and especially *why* you like --or dislike-- your plan.
It's just me, so I won't get any benefit from any family plan.
Any thoughts you care to share are appreciated!
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