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My first paid survey check arrived

July 28th, 2006 at 09:27 pm

I can not recall on whose blog I read the reference, but I signed up for Pinecone Research, apparently met their criterion, completed my first survey for them last week, and received a $5 check in the mail today!

3 Responses to “My first paid survey check arrived”

  1. jacquelynrose Says:

    I Love Pinecone Research!


  2. Lady Jennelle Says:

    I love Pinecone also .... have been doing their survey for probably 5 or 6 years 'n those $5.00 checks really do help! Smile

    So glad that you were able to sign-up and qualified. Smile

  3. Dido Says:

    Jennelle, it was probably your blog on which I saw the site mentioned, so thanks! Smile

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