Damn, wrote out a long entry which not only didn't get posted but now there seems to be an entry in my blog which includes ALL of the prior postings, without spaces. Yikes.
Anyways, the gist of the longer post is this: considering a part-time job offer (on top of full-time work), I realized that the true value to consider was not the salary offered, but how much of that salary I would take home after taxes. Since my full-time job puts me squarely in the middle of the 25% tax bracket, that's 25% to the feds, then another 11.75% for social security, medicare, state taxes, local taxes, and state unemployment taxes. That leaves 63.25% of the offer as the value in question. Looks like a lot less, then.
Seems silly to me to tax income--decreases incentives. I'm beginning to see the wisdom of plans that suggest taxing consumption instead.
September 11th, 2006 at 05:31 am
September 11th, 2006 at 05:36 am 1157949411
I guess you could look at it too as more money is more money, whether it be 63% or 100%. I have been fighting going to work full time to speed things up. Tough choices!
September 11th, 2006 at 01:18 pm 1157977115
Also does this part time employer allow you to put back in a 401-K? If so, and you signed up then that could decrease your tax bite. Or if your full time employer does then you could increase your contributions there to compensate for some of the other income.
Make sense?
September 11th, 2006 at 02:38 pm 1157981939
But I had to give an answer last night, and I said "no," mostly because of exhaustion. Could be a temporary thing, and I told him I was unsure and if he didn't find someone else in the next two weeks to call me back--but I didn't want to stick myself with something I'd regret. I'm fairly certain a SECOND part-time offer will be coming my way later this fall, and that played into the decision, too. Teaching one class overtime is ok, teaching two overtime is do-able but exhausting.