Home > Actually, I'd *rather* be here

Actually, I'd *rather* be here

December 24th, 2011 at 10:14 pm

but I'm about to drag myself out to the two Christmas Eve parties I've been invited to.

I've spent most of the past two days reading "Your Money Ratios," analyzing my annual expenses, and thinking about refinancing, and the Scroogey part of me would be perfectly content to stay here doing that.

But I am forcing myself into a bit of congeniality, and even went and bought some small gifts for some of the neighbors and handed them out and did a little visiting this afternoon. Good for maintaining good relationships with the neighbors, which I value.

Tomorrow, I *will* have the day to myself, and I'm planning on *finally* putting this place in some decent order to give myself a little feeling of peace and refuge when I arrive home. At the moment, I have to put blinders on to get that.

I'm Jewish, so this holiday doesn't mean anything to me, and my focus is really on getting organized and motivated for the new year.

And maybe I'll treat myself to a movie tomorrow afternoon. We used to do that when we were kids sometimes on Christmas Day. Anyone know anything decent that's playing?

2 Responses to “Actually, I'd *rather* be here”

  1. patientsaver Says:

    Do you have any foreign movie theaters by you? That would be my first choice. Go to an early matinee; it could be packed.

    Happy Hanukkah!

    Thanks for that article on money-making blogs. Very interesting, though no doubt about it, would require a great deal of commitment and time. If I were going do something like that, i'd probably have to give up SA. boo hoo.....

  2. Dido Says:

    Not dedicated "foreign" but alternative.

    Actually the Eastern PA Business Journal had an interesting article a week or so ago. Movie theaters are rapidly going all-digital, and that trend is a threat to the local indy theaters since revamping costs are $70-100,000. There are about half a dozen independent theaters within 30 miles of where I live; one has already (at least temporarily) folded; and two more are clearly in danger of folding.

    Too bad.

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