Home > NYTimes article, Basing Life on What you Can Afford

NYTimes article, Basing Life on What you Can Afford

March 21st, 2017 at 02:07 am

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Interesting series of stories.

6 Responses to “NYTimes article, Basing Life on What you Can Afford”

  1. Buendia Says:

    Just read it - super interesting. I understand the sentiment of the last woman who basically said that she'll be ok because she knows how to go without. Also - I related a lot to the architect since I am an architect, too. The years since 2008 have been tough, and construction in a lot of places hasn't recovered yet.

  2. Dido Says:

    Learning how to go without is a skill--one I am not very good at. I am fine with not getting used to an expensive lifestyle--I don't travel much, don't eat at really expensive restaurants, don't buy expensive clothes, live in a modest house that is furnished with used furniture, most of which is at least 30 years old--but getting rid of those things that I am used to, like eating out 2-3 times a week or being able to go to the movies when I want, would definitely feel depriving and be quite difficult.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Hard for me to read these -- I think the highest salary I ever made was $45,000 and I have had many years lower than that (including now). Yet the $45K mark is presented in these portraits as almost poverty level. Of course, I am only supporting myself, but I do live in a high-cost area. I guess my ability (and willingness) to adapt has been my saving grace.

  4. PatientSaver Says:

    I really felt for these people; they seem to be just one step away from financial disaster, which little or no safety net. Yes, you can see they didn't always make the best decisions, and that is one reason why I think personal finance classes should be required to graduate high school.

  5. My English Castle Says:

    It's sort of daunting how a couple of bad decisions can really be hard to recover from. Student loans, car payments, and a single layoff can easily spell disaster.

  6. ThriftoRama Says:

    I saw that over the weekend and thought it was well done.

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