Home > Mid-Year accounting

Mid-Year accounting

July 1st, 2024 at 02:15 am

Total Assets are staying north of a million (first reached 2 months ago).  Up 8.2% YTD.

Total Debts are down 13.4% YTD.

Total Net Worth is just over 950k, up 10.1% YTD.


Not quite to the point where I feel "financially independent" (that is, free to live off of my assets rather than off of my income) but getting there!

We hade a short but severe windstorm mid-week that took out power for two days; I had to toss about $100 worth of food.  Temps have been in the 90s and it's been so humid that my glasses fog up as soon as I step outside.

I did go kayaking for the first time this year yesterday.  It was pretty windy out there still!

2 Responses to “Mid-Year accounting”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Hopefully your assets stay up. But with the upcoming election, who knows! You are doing a fine job of working your way to living off your assets rather than your income. Very proud of you.

    It's been hot and humid here in Central Illinois and if I do anything outside, I feel like a wet noodle afterwards.

  2. Dido Says:

    Rob, thank you for the kind comment.

    Yes, the heat + humidity combo is especially draining. One or the other is tolerable, but together, they are hard to bear.

    As for the election, while there might be some short-term volatility around the time of the election, what will probably make the bigger difference in the long run is the policies of the elected party and their impact on inflation and interest rates.

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